Well technically, the Wiki was fine. I just did a new install on a better URL. You can officially find the wiki at wiki.goblin6.com
Now I just need to add content to it ^_^
The forum on the other hand, was a complete pain in the ass to fix. Well again, a fresh install to the correct URL did the trick. The official link is forum.goblin6.com
Major apologies to all of the previous members, thanks to the database error, it completely wiped all users and posts. I have been copying and pasting my old posts, well, the ones I actually typed up locally.
All new and returning users will need to sign-up in order to fully use the forum.
There was a bit of a happy accident with the mess up. The forum now has better fonts, the previous fonts looked all fat and chunky, everything is much more elegant looking now.
And the wiki now has the coveted dark theme which I was previously obsessing about.
>> UPDATE 11.30.2020 <<
MCHAT has also been restored, you can check it out here.
Posted in GOBLIN6